What’s up chaps my identify is Brandon and I’ve beenusing the iphone 13 and the iphone 13 pro for an entire month and i wanted to give you guys my fullin-depth comparison to help you decide which one you should buy and this year the decision betweenthese two is much different than it was last year and there are 5 main reasons why so let’s goahead and talk about it so let’s begins with the pricing. So the iphone 13 starts at $ 829 or $799 ifyou activate with a carrier right away for 128 gigabytes and then goes up to 512 gigabytes for $1129 whereas the iphone 13 pro is about $200 more so it starts at $ 999 for 128 gigabytes and thengoes up to one terabyte for the first time this year and that will run you fifteen hundred dollarsfor the pro and $1600 for the pro max the 13 will give you more entertaining hue alternatives like a pink blueand red in addition to the midnight and virtuoso brightnes dyes whereas the iphone 13 pro comes in kind ofmore softened complexions like the brand-new sierra blue-blooded along with gold silver and graphite now as far as thedesign becomes just like last year the borders on the iphone 13 are made of aluminum whereas the 13 pro has stainless steel margins for a much more premium look and feel now that does oblige the promodel a little bit heavier coming in at 204 grams compared to 174 grams on the regular 13 and thedifference is noticeable i can notice it in my hands and in my pockets but i wouldn’t really callit a administer breaker there’s also a big difference in the coding on the back of the phone so the iphone1 3 has a glossy glass back whereas the pro has a matte glass black so it’s like a matte coatingthat opens it a more baked inspect and in my opinion it sounds a lot more premium and especially whenholding it in the handwriting it time feels more premium than the basic glossy glass back of the regulariphone 13. Not to mention the pro doesn’t get nearly as countless fingerprints or smudges on the backof the phone thanks to that coating however you do get a lot more smudging around the borders ofthe pro due to them being made of stainless steel we also have an additional telephoto lens on thecamera display of the pro model while the 13 has a wide and ultra wide camera so a dual camerasetup and then there diagonal for the first time this year and i actually like it i like it betterthan the vertical setup like “weve had” on the 12. now one thing to keep in mind is that the size ofthe lenses are big on the pro representation this year they are huge they protrude out a lot more thanthe regular 13 and when you name them on a flat surface it will rock back and forth if you do nothave a case on if you do have a case on you’re not going to notice it as much but that is a prettybig design difference between these two are the big camera lenses so overall i would have tosay that the iphone 13 is the more comfortable phone of these two because it is lighter andthose cameras don’t protrude out so much better however it could be a little bit more slippery than theiphone 13 pro although both are pretty slippery when you don’t have a case on however if youwant to reduce the amount of slipperiness and you want to protect your phone at the same timei have the excellent solution occurrence withstand bag withstand has all kinds of awesome subjects for the iphone 13 and 13 pro but their brand-new text the humble line kickings everything up a notch so these cases arenot only stylish as can be and customizable but these crush actions are rowed with a patented shockabsorbing engineering so your phone will be a-okay with fells up to 10 hoofs and to prepare thingseven better these cases are also made of 65 recycled and plant-based information so basicallyif you recycle an old-time iphone case that you don’t need anymore it could possibly end up being usedto make an all-new case defy case which is pretty crazy and if you still do have you know old-time caseslying around make sure to recycle them applying the re-castify program from action refuse that lane youcan help protect the planet and reduce squander well adoration event the fight cases because they’realmost like the following statement article at this stage i make everybody knows the brand but nobody’s goingto have the same dispute because they’re just so customizable and they’re always adding newdesigns to choose from not to mention they’re actually high quality cases and you can tell whenyou’re propping them they’re not slick the clear contingencies don’t get yellow-bellied after a few months and theyprotect you from declines i mean you really can’t ask for too much more so if you want to check thesecases out for yourself or if you just wanted to perhaps get one for a gift for somebody for the upcomingholiday season go to casetify.com brandon butch to get 15 off your prescribe thanks to case defy forsponsoring this segment of the video all right so turning these two back over to the display there’sa major difference when it comes to the display so both have the same 6.1 inch super retina xdr oleddisplay with the same at 25 32 by 1170 solving and the same at 460 pixels per inch and alsothe same 2 million to 1 differ ratio so on the surface they look and feel identical when youjust have them sitting here at the home screen but the big difference here is that the 13 prohas the pro motion engineering which offers that silky smooth 120 hertz refresh charge and thecool thing about the pro motion display is that it has a variable freshen frequency meaning thatthe phone automatically alters the refresh frequency based on the activity you’re doing on the phoneso if you’re just sitting at the dwelling screen the 13 pro will quit the refresh charge down to 10 hertz or it’s going to refresh 10 terms per second instead of 60 or 120 to preserve battery life butthen it will knock it up to 120 hertz while playing an intensive game or when you do something thatinvolves a lot of rapid progress so that is really really cool and really alleviates any concernthat this would motive battery exhaust and this is something that a lot of beings thought would beyou know not noticeable to your “consumers ” but let me tell you it is every single person ihanded this telephone to has noticed a difference in the smoothness of the 13 pro compared to their6 0hz iphone 13 iphone 12 or any other previous iphone and when i use the pro for a few weeks and thenswitch back to the 13 like myself it feels like my looks like have issues and that things are likeblurry when they shouldn’t be it’s really that big of a difference to me and you know it’s gonnabe a big difference to anybody that pays attention to detail you know so if somebody doesn’t reallycare they don’t use their phone that often they may not be able to tell but i could tell you rightnow every single person i handed this phone to could tell certain differences we too look an increasein brightness from 800 nits to 1000 nits on the pro model and up to 1200 nits when watching hdrcontent but one thing that was not mentioned by apple is that the thermals on the iphone 13 pro are also slightly better than on the 13. now the pro did not dim as quickly when underdirect sunlight or duress and even though it did the brightness did not drop down as low as it didon the regular 13. Now both of these are going to be upgrades from the 12. they both you knowhave better thermals than the 12 but even from the 13 to the 13 pro the 13 pro precisely performsbetter under duress or under direct sunlight and when it’s you know heated up a lot allright so now let’s go ahead and discuss those cameras because this is always one of thebiggest different in the base model and the pro modeling and that’s no different this year so letme start off by saying that both telephones raise incredible photographs and videos even compared to theregular iphone 12 and the 12 pro but this year the big differences aside from that third cameralens are the additives via software and i would like to speak about those first so let’s start by talkingabout pro res video so this is a high quality video format that retains more complexion and detailthan your conventional h. 264 or h. 265 kodak not to mention it calls less constriction so it’s going tobe much easier to work with in post-production so that’s all enormous but there is a big downside andthat is the amount of opening that it takes up and this could explain the reason you can only shootprores video in 1080p on the cornerstone 128 gigabyte 13 pro only the 256 gigabyte modelings and up canshoot in 4k now of course that could also be you know something to do with the power needed toshoot this tireless video natively on the iphone but anyways one minute of storage of this proresvideo being equal to about six gigabytes of storage so shooting video and pro res peculiarly 4kprores is going to eat through your storage very very quickly unless you have a one terabyte modelbut even there it’s gonna eat through pretty quick now i did exam prores video in a number ofsituations and i found that the most see change in aspect before shade grading is inlow light places so there is less noise the colors are becoming more lifelike and the overallquality the overall characterization is just better but will your average person your everydayperson who isn’t super into video notice significant differences probably not actually they definitelywill not and even if they did it’s likely not worth the storage trade-off so prores is afeature that i would only get excited for if you are a cinematographer or if you time editand pigment evaluate your videos after shooting them on your iphone otherwise the regular 4k video thatyou shoot natively from the camera here is going to be more than fairly for 99.9 percent of peoplenow another huge boast that is a combination of both software and hardware is macro modeand this is hands down my favorite peculiarity of the iphone 13 pro aside from that 120 hertzdisplay because of just simply how much merriment i have shooting these macro shots so thanks to that ultrawide lens coming improved and adding autofocus we are now able to get super close to objects andhave the ultra wide lens focus on the subject from merely millimeters away and the results arepretty breathtaking and if you don’t like how the phone swaps to macro procedure automatically whenyou get close to a topic you can actually toggle this off in designates so this is especially helpfulfor video since i found that it can kind of ruin videos with that weird living where reference is goes intomacro mode and you don’t want it to so obviously stop that toggle in thinker but aside from proresvideo and that macro state the only other major differences have to do with that telephoto lensand the crazy zoom capabilities that it introduces so you have a 3x visual zoom in with a 6x opticalzoom compas and also a digital zoom up to 15 x so that is three times further digital zoomthan the regular iphone 13 and for video the pro too comes you 3x visual zoom and 9x digital zoomwhich is really awesome alright so now that i’ve gassed up the iphone 13 pro so much it’s timeto point out the fact that the iphone 13 shares almost every of the same aspects as the 13 pro whenyou subtract that telephoto lens from the equation so they both get the new photographic stylesfeature which is exclusive to the iphone 13 s this year and this will allow you to set photo filtersbefore you take a photo and you can customize it to your esteem directly from the camera app or insettings and it applies to every future photo you make until you turn it off or change it we alsoget cinematic video on both the 13 and 13 pro which allows you to shoot video that welllooks more cinematic so there’s a lot of bokeh involved and ai is actually used to detect whena subject’s principal turns to look at somebody else and then it will change the focus to the personthat they look at or like if somebody comes in make it will automatically identify that and putthe focus on their face it’s really really cool and it spawns taking videos really fun probably alot more fun than it should be but precisely keep in mind this state restricted to 1080 p for now maybewe’ll interpret 4k cinematic in the iphone 14 but it is limited to 1080 right now but anyways both phonescan also shoot hdr video they both have sensor shift stabilization they both have night procedure andnight procedure go indiscretion they both have audio zoom and pretty much all of the other boasts likesmart hdr4 and everything else the only other inconsistencies apart from prores video macro modeand that telephoto lens with all of the included zoom capabilities is the ability to shoot in applepro fresh format the ability to shoot light state painting shots and likewise slightly better low-toned lightperformance with both photos and videos so the difference is pretty big for somebody like me whotakes draws and videos pretty much everywhere i go and i’m perpetually you know recording somethingi think it’s a huge difference for me between the 13 and the 13 pro but if you don’t always takepictures and videos then you are able merely be fine with the iphone 13 but here i am thinking for 200 you’re getting aheck of a good deal with the pro this year all right so now that we have the elephants out of the chamber akathe parade and the camera we can now discuss some of the other more minor changes so let’s startwith battery life and the only reason i’d consider this minor when comparing these two is because thedifference is not as big as it was last year and that is a huge plus and a huge win for the regulariphone 13. So i used both sets of telephones on and off for variou eras at a time and the differencein battery life was almost always under an hour i got better battery life on the iphone 13 proconsistently despite the iphone 13 having a larger physical artillery but again significant differences wasn’treally anything major and i would be able to get through almost an entire day on both phones nowthe 13 pro max is a whole other devil this phone consistently netted me an additional two tothree hours of battery life on a daily basis which is nuts so if you require the best battery lifepossible go for the pro max but i’m telling you right now the battery life on the regular 13 isexcellent and i would not you know go for the pro just for the battery life because they’re bothgoing to be very similar in that department now as for the performance this is another area that isusually not considered minor but the difference in these two is pretty minor aside from one specificarea so both telephones have the a15 bionic chip inside and they both play-act basically identicaland day-to-day usage like exerting social media web browsing watching youtube videos things like thatbut the distinctions between these two comes into play when you start gaming and that’s because thepro has a 5 core gpu while the 13 has a 4 core gpu and that additional graphics operation is goingto definitely facilitate when playing intensive competitions like cod portable saloon g or even when editing andexporting videos and something like lumafusion but if you don’t play or use intensive apps at all youlikely won’t be able to tell a difference between these two but when it comes to ram management youmight notice a difference here i know i have and that’s because the iphone 13 has four gigabytesof ram while the 13 pro has six gigabytes of ram and that extra two gigabytes runs a long wayespecially on an iphone with ios and how well it controls that ram and i noticed that appsstay open vastly longer than they do on the iphone 13. So for example i like to playdraftkings and when i go back and forth between the app and my safari app to do my research mydraftkings app would reload sometimes and i would lose my entire lineup and i would have to startover it was super frustrating now conceded this has also happened on my iphone 13 pro formerly but it’shappened multiple times on the regular iphone 13. so exactly remain that in attention the 13 pro is going tobe superior if you multitask on your iphone at all all right so with all of that being said whichiphone 13 should you buy and this year i’d say that the pro simulation is well worth the additional2 00 if you care at all about the camera and video abilities or that 120 hertz freshen charge on thedisplay not to mention the pro has a better more durable exterior eggshell as well with that stainlesssteel the only thing you’d have to compromise on is the slightly heavier feel in the hand and inthe pocket because again the 13 pro is somewhat heavier and you do have a bigger camera bump onthe back but once again to me and most people that’s not going to be a deal breaker and this isthe firstly year i’ve ever had such a strong lean in one direction i almost always make a casefor the locate simulate but this year i candidly don’t think i can unless you just really don’t want tospend the extra money or if you simply want to have you know the phone exclusively to text and web browseand that’s pretty much it you know that extra 200 though it goes a long way with the pro andthat would be the one i would recommend this year if you were to decide between the 13 and 13 pro if you have the extra money you know i would definitely go for it but if you can’t yield ithonestly i would just save up and wait until you can’t afford it because that’s how strong i feelabout the pro model this year over the regular iphone 13. But that’s just my view let me knowwhat you guys suppose down in the comments below if you concur if you disagree tell me why and i wouldlike to hear your guys’s designs on the 13 versus the 13 pro so if you guys enjoyed this video iwould appreciate if you sacrifice it a thumbs up and of course make sure to subscribe for a lot moreiphone comparisons and revaluations but regardless guys thank you again for watching and thanks to k-supplyagain for sponsoring and i’ll told you soon
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